If you are looking for a dreamweaver 8 tutorial then you will have realized that this is not one of the easiest to learn programs. It can be especially daunting if you haven't got any experience in writing web pages.
There are a couple of worthwhile sets of tutorials available which I will talk about a little later on but by simply performing a web search for dreamweaver tutorials you will also come across several snippets which might be of use. There are many written tutorials and some video tutorials that will show you a few of the basic aspects or functions of dreamweaver.
What is really needed when trying to learn how to build a website using dreamweaver is a structured collection of tutorials. A course of lessons which will take you through from the very start and hold your hand as you work through the website creation process step by step.
If you do not download one of the recommended dreamweaver courses mentioned on our website you should be looking to master some of the basics at least and will need to find tutorials on the following;
- Basic website management
- Text formatting
- Use of tables
- Creating Hyperlinks
- Use of Graphics
- How CSS works
- Templates
There are as I mentioned before, a couple of systems available that will teach you from the most basic level to extremely high proficiency levels where you can be building complex websites with hundreds of pages in a matter of just a few hours. The recommended systems are listed on our website and a link is available to these at the end of this article.
Dreamweaver as you may be aware contains a powerful WYSIWYG editor. WYSISYG is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get, meaning that basically you can type in material and images into your web page just as you would a word processing document and view it exactly as it will be viewed in a web browser online.
All of the work you do in dreamweaver eventually gets translated internally into legible HTML code which is read by all web browsers. Although it is not necessary to have any knowledge of HTML to be able to create web pages in dreamweaver it is very useful to understand what dreamweaver is doing and how it is creating the code. A basic knowledge of HTML will definitely improve your fluency with the program when building more advanced websites. A good place to get a general basic knowledge of HTML in a short time is the webmonkey website.
If you really need a Dreamweaver 8 Tutorial then I highly recommend checking the link below for the two courses on offer.
Recommended Dreamweaver Tutorials and educative programs can be found on our Dreamweaver Tutorial page
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adz_Penbram
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